11 de set. de 2012

*POEMA* I miss the old days

Gente,oque que vocês tem feito de bom,em??
eu estou no ''tédio'' como sempre então estava ouvindo uma música (outra novidade essa né??kkkk)
bom continuando,dai resolvi fazer esse ''poema'' se é q posso chamar assim
então estou postando aqui para vocês verem e se gostarem comentarem,passarem para os seus amigos e outros...
 beijinhos                 -I

I miss the old days
where everything was good
where we all loved.

I miss the time when my attention was just,
all of which comprised only nodes,
when the world looked at us together

I miss the old days

Now, as you can see,
I'm waiting
a bailout, perhaps death.
I'm getting the bulletproof
and I am also starting to believe what they say.

I miss time
where I had heart
I engava with sweet words and
nothing mattered.
I ran behind you

I miss the old days
because that is the good thing that I have to remember ...

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